Prada Distribuição

Ínico do conteúdo da página

Prada Distribuição processes and distributes flat steel and long steel products. It offers solutions for the automotive, construction, houseware, and packaging industries, among others.

The materials manufactured by Prada Distribuição are hot rolled, cold rolled, galvanized by immersion, pre-painted, Galvalume® and metal sheets, all 100% recyclable. Some of the main products are: coils, sheets, rolls (slitter), blanks, strips, tiles, steel pipes, structural steel, steel deck, metal sheets, rolled sections, rods, etc.

In the South and Northeast regions, Prada Distribuição operates under the name CSN Distribuição.

quebra de linha

Certification and Quality

Prada Distribuição offers products and services that meet the most stringent quality standards. In December 2006, Prada Distribuição achieved the ISO/TS 16949 version 2002 certification, and in January 2010, the ISO/TS 16949 version 2009 certification, unifying the quality management system in two of its units – Mogi das Cruzes/SP and Camaçari/BA.

The process was recommended by the certification body BV Bureau Veritas Certification to the International Automotive Task Force (IATF).

Focusing on the environment, Prada Distribuição also obtained, in December 2012, the ISO 14001 certification by contributing to preservation efforts and incorporating concepts of sustainable development into its activities.


Mogi das Cruzes – SP
Avenida INAL, 190
Vila Industrial
ZIP Code: 08770-042
Phone: (11) 4791-7900
Fax: (11) 4791-7999

Piracicaba – SP
Street Dr. José Rodrigues de Almeida, 88
ZIP Code: 13424-210
Phone: (19) 3437-9777
Fax: (19) 3437-9774

Bebedouro – SP
Rua Edmundo Vergílio, S/N
Vila Paulista
ZIP Code: 14702-050
Phone: (17) 3342-1257

Mauá – SP
Av. Manoel da Nóbrega, 705
ZIP Code: 09380-120
Phone: (11) 4519-2099

Araucária – PR
Rodovia PR 423, 5500
ZIP Code: 83705-000
Phone: (41) 3641-8320

Canoas – RS
Rua João Goulart – 121
São Luiz
ZIP Code: 92420-530
Phone: (51) 2125-8600
Fax: (51) 3429-3059

Contagem – MG
Via Ápio Cardoso, 20 – Galpão 13
Parque São João
ZIP Code: 32341-490
Phone: (31) 2191-8600
Fax: (31) 2191-8640

Juiz de Fora – MG
Av. Antônio Simão Firjam, 187B
Industrial district
ZIP Code: 36092-000
Phone: (32) 3229-9300

Av. José Andraus Gassani, 1193
Industrial district
ZIP Code: 38402-322
Phone: (34) 3212-6877

Camaçari – BA
Rua do Alumínio, S/N
Support Pole – Lt 01 to 06 Qd II
Ponto Certo
ZIP Code: 42801-170
Phone: (71) 2104-2104
Fax: (71) 2104-2100

Jaboatão dos Guararapes – PE
Avenida Prestes Maia, KM16 – S/N – BR 101 – Sul
ZIP Code: 54335-180
Phone: (81) 2101-8600
Fax. (81) 3476-1003

Volta Redonda
Rodovia Lúcio Meira (BR-363), Km 5,001 – S/N
Vila Santa Cecília
ZIP Code: 27260-390

CSN Group Reporting Channel

This channel allows any interested party (victims, witnesses or whistleblowers) to report conduct deemed inappropriate that violates current legislation and/or is contrary to the ethical principles and guidelines of the CSN Group’s Code of Conduct.

The information recorded here will be received by an independent and specialized company, ensuring absolute secrecy and the appropriate treatment of each situation by CSN’s Audit, Risks and Compliance Department.

We guarantee that every report is investigated with confidentiality, impartiality, preservation of anonymity and non-retaliation.

Click here  and access the Reporting Channel or call 0800 884 2006 (available 24 hours a day).

Last update on March 17, 2023.

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