Climate Change
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The competitive advantages resulting from CSN’s integrated business model generate efficiency gains that lead to a lower carbon footprint, as exemplified below:
- Mine-port-factory interconnection via railway, minimizing road vehicle emissions;
- Cement manufacture using blast furnace slag, a byproduct of the steelmaking process, reducing the use of clinker and, consequently, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions;
- Diversified energy matrix, considering CSN’s equity in two hydroelectric plants and the reuse of steel gases to co-generate electricity by means of a thermoelectric plant equipped with a top recovery turbine at Presidente Vargas Steelworks, in Volta Redonda (RJ);
- Electricity purchase agreements in 2015 led to the use of network power with a consequent reduction of thermoelectricity generation;
- During this period, the vehicle fleet of Casa da Pedra Mine, in Congonhas, was renewed, reducing fuel oil consumption.
Since 2010, CSN has been preparing greenhouse gas emission reports following the GHG Protocol guidelines to support the development of a strategy for carbon management, risk mitigation and climate change adaptation. By disclosing these emission reports, the Company shows its transparency in relation to the challenges brought forth by climate change. In 2015 and 2016, CSN received the GHG Protocol Gold Seal for reporting all of its units’ emissions and for submitting these reports to the scrutiny of independent third parties.
Also in 2015, the company pioneered by participating in the first ABNT Carbon Footprint certification program, receiving the seal for its Hot Rolled Coil products and mapping out all emissions from its production chain. This certification gives more transparency to our product regarding process quality, management of risks and opportunities related to climate change.
Additionally, CSN completes the “climate change, water and supply chain” questionnaires of the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), reporting its climate change and water management. Since 2012, the company participates in the Climate Forum, organized by the Ethos Institute for Business and Social Responsibility. In 2015, it signed the Open Letter to Brazil on Climate Change, encouraging the Brazilian government to assume a leadership role during the 21st Conference of Parties of the United Nations Climate Change Conference held in Paris, COP-21.
The company also received the Climate Action Certificate from the World Steel Association in recognition of and compliance with the registration and analysis of the indicators of participating organizations.
Therefore, CSN has been measuring the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions of its units since 2012, considering the following references:
- NBR ISO 14064.1;
- GHG Protocol Corporate Standard (Revised Edition);
- IPCC – Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change;
- Regulatory requirements – Relevant legislations in force.
The objective of this measurement is to meet state and national regulations, in addition to developing a strategic climate change management at CSN.