Prada Embalagens
Prada Embalagens is a leading manufacturer of steel cans and packaging in the country. The company has six production units: São Paulo (SP), where there are assembly, printing and lithography lines; Resende (RJ), with lithography and printing lines; and Uberlândia (MG), Lins (SP), Luziânia (GO) and Pelotas (RS), with assembly lines.
CSN Group Reporting Channel
This channel allows any interested party (victims, witnesses or whistleblowers) to report conduct deemed inappropriate that violates current legislation and/or is contrary to the ethical principles and guidelines of the CSN Group’s Code of Conduct.
The information recorded here will be received by an independent and specialized company, ensuring absolute secrecy and the appropriate treatment of each situation by CSN’s Audit, Risks and Compliance Department.
We guarantee that every report is investigated with confidentiality, impartiality, preservation of anonymity and non-retaliation.
Click here and access the Reporting Channel or call 0800 884 2006 (available 24 hours a day).