Environmental Management

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Today, all of CSN’s integrated operations in steel, mining, cement, logistics and energy are subject to Brazilian laws, regulations, and licenses related to the protection and integrity of health, safety and the environment. Adopting survey procedures for significant Impact Aspects is a commonplace practice in all CSN units.

The Brazilian law on prevention, mitigation and remediation of socio-environmental impacts is ever changing. This includes new parameters for liquid effluent disposal and air emissions, wildlife and flora preservation rules, new regulations on water and solid waste management, new restrictions by environmental agencies regarding business development and expansion, more requirements on the preservation of native forests, and the creation of Private Natural Heritage Reserves (RPPN) to compensate environmentally for industrial and mining expansion projects.

Environmental Policy

CSN – Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional, based on its values and essence of “Doing well, doing more, and doing it forever”, aligned to the needs and expectations of its stakeholders, acts in a propositional way to develop innovative and sustainable solutions that add value to the business of Steelmaking, Mining, Logistics, Cement, and Energy. By proactively incorporating the best socio-environmental, competition, ethical and governance practices in its decisions and by strengthening the culture of prevention and control of health and safety risks, respect for the environment and the ethical and safe behavior of its direct and indirect employees, in order to meet the expectations of its stakeholders, CSN ALWAYS commits to:

Business Sustainability: To incorporate sustainability into the CSN Group’s decisions as a principle that guides its business throughout its life cycle, considering the protection of the environment and biodiversity. The continuous improvement of operational processes and management, the conscientious use of natural resources and actions to mitigate and adapt to climate change as differentials to act at the forefront of the development of innovative processes, products and solutions, in order to prevent and mitigate negative impacts and potentiate the generation of positive impacts on local communities. In addition, align their practices with national and international commitments, such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the Guiding Principles on Human Rights Business (POs) and maintain, through leadership, each employee responsible for protecting the environment, for their performance in Occupational Health and Safety through self-care and safe behavior.

Ethical, Transparent and Inclusive Company: Communicate with clarity, transparency and timeliness, their performance on issues related to the environment, health and safety at work. And their social performance, valuing the maintenance of the relationship based on dialogue with local communities, reconciling the viability of their business and local development. All materialized by investing in socio-environmental programs and projects that collaborate to conserve the environment and improve living conditions in the places where we are present. Follow the principles of good governance, ethics and integrity, respecting human rights and proactively combating the practices of child, forced or slave-like labor, harassment and discrimination in all its forms throughout our value chain. Encourage a diverse and inclusive work environment, with respect for free trade union association and the right to collective bargaining, keeping permanently open the channels of consultation and participation with internal and external audiences.

Continuous improvement: Ensure that all its employees and partners continuously seek to improve the performance of their activities through safe, healthy and quality of life work. Furthermore, consider the environmental aspects, the risks to the health and safety of all and innovation as an integral part of their tasks, so that efforts to achieve constant improvement also reflect on working conditions and the well-being of all, in accordance with reputable standards of health, protection of the environment, quality of life, safety at work and the quality and performance of our products and services.

Environmental Protection, Pollution Prevention and Accidents: Consider the protection of the environment and the prevention of accidents, occupational diseases and negative environmental impacts as strategic pillars in the construction of its objectives and goals, seeking to influence our entire production chain. Develop and encourage programs for environmental protection and pollution prevention while fostering the circular economy through the sustainable and conscious use of natural resources and the preservation of biodiversity. Manage in a structured manner aspects and controls of the mitigation of impacts and risks to the environment and hazards and risks to health and safety at work.

Respect for Legislation: Meet current legislation and other requirements relevant to the organization, regarding the protection of the Environment, Health, Occupational Safety and Quality, seeking whenever possible to exceed our obligations, anticipating challenges arising from potential regulatory changes.

Educate and Train: Train, qualify, educate, raise awareness, and encourage our employees to adopt an innovative, participative, and committed behavior for the high performance execution of their activities, with a vision of sustainable development and social responsibility. Doing this through the implementation of a culture that encourages them to constantly experience concern for the environment, biodiversity, quality, and the health and safety of all.

Environmental Management System

Therefore, the Company has an ISO 14001-certified Environmental Management System running in most of its units, while maintaining an open channel of communication to the internal and external public through the Green Line. All environmental controls are audited to meet the Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act, contributing to the mitigation of environmental risks in its operations.

The CSN business units that have ISO 14001 certification are: Casa de Pedra (Congonhas, MG), Presidente Vargas Steelworks (Volta Redonda, RJ), Porto Real (Porto Real, RJ), Mina da Bocaina (Arcos, MG), CSN Paraná (Araucária, PR), TECON (Sepetiba, RJ), Prada Distribuição (Mogi das Cruzes, SP). The other units are in the process of implementing the Environmental Management System (EMS) and have been following a corporate program to progress according to ISO 14001 guidelines.

The development of the EMS falls under the responsibility of an Internal Environmental Management Committee (IEMC), formed by professionals of the environment and operation areas. This group holds monthly meetings to maintain continuous improvement of the implemented Environmental Management System, in addition to detecting and preventing potential environmental impacts.

Environmental Education Program (EEP)

CSN has opened a new front: the Environmental Education Program (EEP), an initiative managed by the CSN Foundation, reaffirming its commitment to transform values and attitudes through new habits and knowledge, especially focused on the Arcos and Congonhas Minérios units. This project zeroes in on issues regarding the historical and natural heritage in the company’s operational sites and issues related to the company‘s activities. It uses art as a communication tool among students of public schools, teachers and CSN employees.

Decharacterization of Dams

The CSN group remains firm with the commitment to mischaracterize all its dams heightening by the upstream method. For this, a quarterly technical report containing the evolution of the works to the competent bodies and society will be released. You can consult the following documents.

(Documents are only available in Portuguese)

Questions, Suggestions and Complaints

One of the means of communication with stakeholders is the Green Line, an electronic channel (phone and e-mail) available to society for reporting environmental complaints, questions and suggestions related to the company‘s activities. The incoming information flow is as follows:

the community‘s demands are received, they are directed to those responsible for replies, and the answers are given within 15 days by a specialized team. The number of calls is regularly reported to top management.

Phone: 0800 2824440 (toll free)
E-mail: meio.ambiente@csn.com.br

Last update on May 11, 2023.

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