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CSN and the Federal Government are building the Transnordestina railroad, one of the biggest construction projects in Brazil today. With 1,753 kilometers of main line coverage, the world-class railway passes through 81 cities, from Eliseu Martins, in Piauí, toward the ports of Pecém, in Ceará, and Suape, in Pernambuco. It fulfills the old dream of national integration and encourages local production, which, in turn, promotes new businesses.
The project is funded by CSN, Infra (formerly Valec), Finor, BNDES, BNB and Sudene. The railway will have the capacity to transport 30 million tons per year, mainly dry bulk (ore and grain).
By promoting integration, Transnordestina becomes fundamental in making the economy of the northeast more dynamic and connecting Brazil to major global markets.
Safety on the railway
The construction of the Transnordestina railway is a major project that requires much attention from residents to ensure their safety and that of their families. Trains are already running, taking the raw materials for the construction of the railway.
Hence, we must follow a few guidelines:
- Stop, look and listen before the level crossing
- Respect the signs displayed at the railroad
- Do not walk and do not stop on the tracks
- Do not ride motorcycles and bikes between the rails
- Do not cross between cars
- Never take a ride on the wagons
- Do not throw objects at the train
According to the Brazilian Traffic Code, failing to stop the vehicle before crossing a railroad is a very serious offense, subject to a fine and loss of up to seven points in the driver‘s license.
It takes 1 km for a train to stop completely after hitting the brakes
Because of its scale and speed, the train always has the priority
Social and environmental programs
The Transnordestina railroad crosses one of the most culturally rich and challenging regions of Brazil: the deep inland regions of the Northeast (Sertão Nordestino). On its way, the train runs alongside properties, rural settlements and traditional communities. Transnordestina seeks to bring development to the Brazilian Northeast while generating the least amount of impact possible on the lives of people, communities and the environment.
For this, TLSA develops programs to prevent, control and manage interferences caused by the works in properties around the railroad, as well as the socioeconomic impacts of such interferences in the life of families and communities.
Environmental programs
Programa de Gestão Ambiental (PGA) - Environmental Management Program
PGA’s objective is to manage and keep track of the development of all environmental programs focused on the abidance of legislature pertinent to the works of the Transnordestina Railway. It also monitors the execution of established conditions for the attainment of licenses, in accordance with auditing and environmental control institutions.
Programa Ambiental para a Construção (PAC) - Environmental Program for the Construction
This program aims to conduct the construction of the railroad with adequate procedures from an environmental perspective, effectively mapping out and controlling the potential environmental impacts due to the work.
Subprograma de Destinação Adequada de Resíduos Sólidos - Subprogram of Adequate Destination of Solid Wastes
This program seeks to minimize the negative impacts related to the management of solid wastes produced during the implementation of the Transnordestina Railway, ensuring compliance with the relevant legal requirements and technical norms.
Subprograma de Destinação Adequada dos Efluentes - Subprogram of Adequate Destination of Effluents
The objective is to minimize the negative environmental impacts related to the generation, collection, transportation and treatment of liquid effluents produced during the implementation of the Transnordestina Railway, ensuring compliance with the relevant legal requirements and technical norms.
Subprograma de Monitoramento e Controle de Processos Erosivos e Assoreamentos - Subprogram of monitoring and control of Erosive and Siltation Processes.
The program seeks to prevent, monitor and control erosive processes located in the Directly Affected Area (DAA) of the Railway during its implementation phase.
Programa de Monitoramento da Qualidade da Água e Limnologia - Program of Monitoring of the Quality of Water and Limnology
The program seeks to monitor the evolution of watercourses in the area of influence of the railroad, which enables the company to plan and execute strategically preventive and corrective actions that aim for the preservation of the water system in question.
Programa de Recuperação de Áreas Degradadas (PRAD) - Program of Recuperation of Degraded Areas
The program (PRAD) establishes guidelines for the evaluation, surveillance, environmental rehabilitation and subsequent stability of the eco-dynamic processes in areas affected by the railway’s construction.
Programa de Controle de Supressão Vegetal (PCSV) - Program of Control of Vegetable Supression
The general objective of this program is to control vegetable suppression, aiming to minimize the environmental impacts to the local flora and fauna resulting from the deforestation for the implementation of the project.
Subprograma de Resgate de Germoplasma, Epífitas e Espécies Ameaçadas - Subprogram of Recovery of Germoplasm, Epyphitic and Threatened Species
This program’s objective is to promote the collection of seeds, vegetal species and genetic materials originated from the affected areas for posterior reutilization, so as to facilitate the recovery of degraded areas by encouraging compensatory planting and the establishment “APP’s” (areas of permanent preservation).
Programa de Recomposição de Áreas de Preservação Permanente (APP’s) e de Plantio Compensatório - Program of Recomposition of Areas of Permanent Preservation (APP’s) and of Compensatory Planting
This program aims to establish guidelines for the revegetation and management of the Permanent Preservation Areas (APP’s), setting guidelines for compensatory planting on a variety of covered biomes and ensuring compliance with the legal requirements.
Programa de Monitoramento de Fauna - Program of Wildlife Monitoring
The program sets out to establish and standardize ecosystem-related practices at the areas of study, identifying and evaluating – both quantitatively and qualitatively – the status of the communities of wildlife, in addition to ecological dynamics.
Programa de Implantação de Passagens de Fauna - Program of Implantation of wildlife crossing
This programs seeks to minimize the effect of physical barriers created, enabling the free flow of wild fauna and domestic/farm animals.
Programa de Manejo de Fauna durante a Supressão de Vegetação - Program of management of the Fauna during the Suppression of Vegetation
The objective of the program is to establish mitigating actions for the impacts of TLSA’s construction on the wildlife by means of handling procedures applied during the activities of vegetal suppression.
Programa de Educação Ambiental (PEA) - Program of Environmental Education
PEA aims to sensitize the local communities and collaborators involved and affected by the project about the environmental implications of the railway’s construction, through the diffusion of technologies that assist coexistence with the semiarid climate.
Social programs
Programa de Diagnóstico, Resgate e Monitoramento Arqueológico - Program of Diagnosis, Recovery and Arqueological Monitoring
The program aims to contribute to the development of practical knowledge about the history of human occupation on the regions influenced by the project, promoting the integration of information gathered from both archeological endeavors and other segments of the cultural patrimony. In doing so, it attempts to preserve the cultural patrimony.
Subprograma de Capacitação de Trabalhadores nas medidas do PAC - Subprogram of the Capacitation of Workers under PAC measures
The program aims to capacitate the labor force associated to the implementation of the railway, preparing workers for the execution of activities related to civil construction while emphasizing the importance of safety techniques at work.
Subprograma de Educação Patrimonial - Subprogram of Patrimonial Education
Promotes the diffusion of information produced by archeological studies throughout the areas influenced by the project, allowing individuals to learn more about their surroundings and comprehend the socio-cultural universe and history in which they are inserted.
Programa de Comunicação Social (PCS) - Program of Social Communication
This program establishes a relationship and opens a channel of communication with communities and institutions in affected areas. It offers information, knowledge, actions and answers pertinent to the project to the population in general.
Programa de Negociação, Desapropriação e Apoio às Populações Tradicionais (PVIAPT) - Program of Negotiation, Desapropriation and Support to the Traditional Population
This program attempts to prevent, control, mitigate and compensate for the environmental, social and economic impacts directly related to the project in communities of traditional populations – complying with the legal obligations of the entrepreneur, in accordance with the constitutional norms and guidelines of the current legislation.
Programa de Ordenamento Territorial (POT) - Program of Territorial Planning
POT aims to orient and specify actions to mitigate the socioenvironmental impacts due to territorial occupation. Strategies employed must converge on the maintenance of territorial integrity in the regions and cities crossed by the railroad, all the while emphasizing the importance of adequate management of the affected areas and safety procedures during operations.
Programa de Controle de Saúde Pública (PCSP) - Program of Public Health Management
The main objective is to contribute to the reduction of risks related to collective health and prevent the dissemination and/or proliferation of endemic sicknesses on the region affected by the activities of the project.
CSN Group Reporting Channel
This channel allows any interested party (victims, witnesses or whistleblowers) to report conduct deemed inappropriate that violates current legislation and/or is contrary to the ethical principles and guidelines of the CSN Group’s Code of Conduct.
The information recorded here will be received by an independent and specialized company, ensuring absolute secrecy and the appropriate treatment of each situation by CSN’s Audit, Risks and Compliance Department.
We guarantee that every report is investigated with confidentiality, impartiality, preservation of anonymity and non-retaliation.
Click here and access the Reporting Channel or call 0800 884 2006 (available 24 hours a day).
Last update on
May 22, 2024.