Personnel Management Model

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Our personnel management model assumes that our employees are our competitive advantage and the best guarantee to stand out in the markets where we operate. The actions are structured around five pillars, all aligned to the Company‘s strategic plan and essence. These two elements guide not only the policies and metrics but also the processes and systems contemplated by our management model. Together, these factors result in engagement of employees and talent retention.

Here, learn more about the programs within each one of the fundamental pillars that sustain our personnel management model:


Recruitment & Selection

CSN identifies and retains professionals by means of its internal and external recruitment system, seeking out the most aligned individuals to our culture and the organization’s necessities.

Programa de Aprendizagem

Has the objective of promoting the social and professional inclusion of young adults by offering capacity-building courses, both theoretical and practical in nature.


  • Adolescents and Young adults between 14 and 24 years old
  • Enrolled and attending school, in case high school has not been completed


  • From 6 to 24 months

Programa Capacitar

Invests on the professional qualification of young adults with intentions to retain those that exceed expectations, preparing them for a career in the fields of mining, steel-production, cement and logistics.


  • Young adults between 18 and 24 years old
  • High scool graduation


  • From 6 to 24 months

Programa de Estágio

Aims to attract and develop prospective professionals for the organization, cultivating talents with the potential to occupy effective jobs.

Composed of behavioral and technical modules.

Eligibility for university-level students:

  • Attending one of the final two years of their college course;
  • Intermediate knowledge of information technology (Microsoft Office package)
  • Duration of 1 to 2 years

Elegibility for high school-level students

  • Attending the last year of a technical course
  • Intermediate knowledge of information technology (Microsoft Office package)
  • Duration of 6 to 24 months

Programa Incluir

Aims to encourage the inclusion of professionals with special needs. Inscriptions for vacancies are accepted throughout the fiscal year.


Institutional Identity

Our Essence, Mission, Vision and Values statements are CSN’s strategic compass. All of our employees must know and embrace these ideals, which are introduced during the “Corporate Integration” program and permeate all of the company’s activities.

Corporate Integration

The program consists of a series of planned visits for newly admitted executives to the main business units of the group, aiming to familiarize them with the productive processes and their respective leaders.

Ethics Code and Anti-corruption Policy

CSN discloses its Ethics Code to all of its employees. It materializes a combination of commitments that must be personally assumed by each one of our collaborators, guiding their professional conduct and ensuring that their work is marked by the transparency, legality and respect that distinguish us.

Environment and Sustainability

CSN invests continually in environmental management and its relationship with communities located near or around its operations. The Company’s environmental projects, between capital investments and defrayal, reaffirm the group’s view that quality of life, of both employees and the surrounding communities, is just as important as the quality of our products and services.

Created in 2010, the Sustainability Council provides guidelines so that CSN’s preoccupation with matters related to sustainability may permeate all of our activities. The Council plans and evaluates socio-environmental projects, stimulates debate, offers advice, and assesses the Company’s performance in questions of social, environmental and economic relevance.

CSN also has projects focused on environmental education, in partnership with the CSN Foundation, with an emphasis on questions related to historical and natural patrimonies (in the regions where it operates) as well as coexistence with mining activities, exploring art as an instrument to enable dialogue in between students of the public school system, teachers and our employees.

Health and Safety Policy

CSN endeavors to create safe and healthy work environments in all of its business units. Safety at work, promotion of health and general well-being, and sustainable development in relation to the environment and our target audiences are amongst the Company’s objectives in this domain. At CSN, the management is guided by the best practices, enabling the achievement of the ISO 14001 and ISO 9001 certifications at its main operational units.

The Operational Health and Safety Management System contemplates audits, routine visits to our work areas, the analysis of risk involved in installations, critical analysis of operational processes, the investigation and assessment of accidents and incidents, an occupational hygiene program, certification of our workforce and the dissemination of the manual of safe behavior.

De Bem com as Contas

A simple program that aims to prepare CSN’s employees and their families to administer questions related to the domestic budget by means of techniques employed in financial education.

The program is composed of 5 modules that cover the following themes:

  • Budget Administration
  • Debt Management
  • Financial Negotiations
  • Banking Services
  • Savings Accounts

De Bem com a Vida

This program assembles a variety of social projects undertaken by the Company and actions developed in partnership with the CSN Foundation.

One of the program’s strengths is the role assumed by CSN, which acts as a facilitator, reinforcing its commitment to the promotion of well-being to its employees.

The structured actions of “De Bem com a Vida” deal with three core themes:

  • Health
  • The work environment
  • Community


Programa SuperAÇÃO (Performance Evaluation)

By means of methodology, this program aims to monitor and evaluate, with transparency, the performance of CSN employees in yearly cycles. This evaluation scheme generates an indicator that feeds programs contemplated in other pillars of the personnel management model (i.e., DEVELOP and REWARD), effectively integrating it to the elaboration of Individual Development Plans (PDI), the identification mechanisms that enable both “Career and Succession” and the “Recognition Program”, and finally the Program of Participation in Results.

In the evaluation of performance, SuperAÇÃO considers two variables: execution (measured by means of goal/objective tracking) and competencies (which are a set of behaviors derived from CSN’s essence). The behavioral evaluation is structured into three phases (i.e., auto-evaluation, supervisor’s evaluation and consensus meeting) and considers the following competencies:

Fazer Bem (Do it well)

  • Delivery
  • Leadership
  • Teamwork
  • Communication
  • Passion

Fazer Mais (Do it more)

  • Innovation
  • Initiative
  • Otimization

Fazer para Sempre (Do it forever)

  • Learning
  • Change
  • Sustainability
  • Future

Through its integration with programs of both development and recognition, SuperAÇÃO attempts to encourage the growth and retention of its talents, meritocratic values and a tradition of open dialogue, all of which are conducive to a culture of high performance.


Technical Training

CSN invests on technical trainings to pass along and/or recycle knowledge, abilities or attitudes that influence employees’ performance. Our trainings can be divided into three modalities:

Corporate Trainings

Aim to provide the employee with knowledge, abilities and competencies that contribute to the exercise of his/her attributions, accelerating development. Examples: Cirando do Conhecimento, Treinamento Rumo Certo, etc.

Functional Trainings

Aim to provide the employee with knowledge and abilities specific to the exercise of his/her attributions, according to the pertinent matrix of competencies or job description. Includes: operational, procedural, specific and technical training. Examples: galvanization process, lamination process, SCADA platform, Microsoft Excel, motor types, etc.

Compulsory Trainings

Aim to provide the employee with knowledge and abilities necessary for the exercise of his/her attributions, according to the pertinent matrix of competencies or job description. Examples: fire brigade, policies, corporate integration, etc.

Escola de Líderes (Leaders’ School)

This program aims to strengthen CSN’s organizational culture and the role of leaders within the Company by amplifying comprehension of the strategic pillars that guide our actions and promoting the continuous development of our employees in managerial positions.

Ciranda do Conhecimento

Promotes continuous learning for CSN employees, encouraging the dissemination of knowledge within the Company and the enlargement of the organization’s intellectual capital. CSN’s own executives minister courses.

Incentivo à Educação (Education Incentives)

CSN concedes scholarships to its employees for technical and language courses, university graduation, post-graduation, and MBA, in consonance with the Company’s interests and the collaborator’s field of expertise. The program consists of education incentives created to support employees throughout their academic careers, aiming for a strategic long-term enhancement of their knowledge and capabilities, applicable to the exercise of their professional attributions.

Matriz de Capacitação (Qualification Matrix)

This program employs a method that enables the development of knowledge and abilities necessary to meet pre-established procedures at CSN. Its objective is to qualify employees and make them more autonomous, giving them a sense of propriety to achieve the results expected at corporate units.

Gestão do Conhecimento (Knowledge Management)

A growing concern at CSN relates to the process of identification, tracking and documentation of employees’ knowledge and abilities that increase performance and are subsequently strategic on an institutional level. To do so, the “knowledge management program” was launched. Its objectives include, but are not limited to, the promotion of organizational learning, guaranteeing the perpetuity of CSN’s businesses, coping with the challenges of growth and turnover, and accelerating the process of acclimatization undergone by newly hired employees.

Carreira e Sucessão

Aims to identify, evaluate and develop potential successors to leadership positions within the Company. In addition to managing the careers of those selected efficiently, this program seeks the retention of employees who demonstrate excellent potential and performance.

Hence, it creates both real and planned career opportunities, taking into account the employees’ aspirations, technical and personal capacities, and degree of engagement.

Guia de Autodesenvolvimento (Self-Development Guide)

The self-development guide provides employees with advice and strategies that enable them to assume responsibility for their own evolution and adopt techniques conducive to continuous learning. Hence, it makes employees the protagonists of their own development. The following themes are covered in the guide:

  • Concepts related to development and self-development
  • How to identify the best method for self-development
  • How to elaborate an Individual Development Plan efficiently
  • CSN competencies
  • Behaviors expected for each competency
  • Development actions “on the job”
  • Development actions outside work
  • How your manager, supervisor and other people can assist you
  • What you can do as a manager
  • Film suggestions
  • Recommended readings



CSN’s Program of Participation in Results depends on goals and outcomes that consider the indicators derived from the Company’s business activities. The program’s objective is to create an incentive for productivity and the improvement of operational results. It quantifies the contribution of all employees, who become eligible for an additional variable compensation once a year.

Mérito (Recognition)

A raise given as a token of recognition for employees’ exceptional performance.

Last update on April 23, 2021.

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